Thursday, February 16, 2012

We have done a 360

So when I was young and a young man from the east coast was running for President of the United States their was talk that if he were elected he would take orders from the Pope. A Catholic as president. Oh My God. You would have thought that if elected he would call the Pope up every morning to get his orders for the day.
This man named Kennedy went to Texas to talk to some non Catholics. He told him he believed in the separation of Church and State. He had a tough battle but he did beat Nixon and today on could say he is one of the most beloved men that has held that office.

Now we have all of the Republican candidates pushing some of the most conservative views of the Catholic Church. The Red Hats of the church have gotten involved in politics in a very public way now. Here in Milwaukee they have taken the side of business and Scott Walker over the union men and women who make the donations to keep the churches open. They come out and tell you how much they dislike the President.

Maybe this is good. No more of this secret stuff.

They, the Catholics, can have their views. Do not care if the believe in , or practice birth control or not. Keep it in your family do not expect us all to follow your way.

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