Saturday, October 25, 2014

Back to the future

I have not posted anything in a couple of years. i will try again to do this. The warning for anyone who looks at these is 1) Nothing that I think or say is of any importance. I would hope that from time to time I will say something outrages enough that it will get one person to think about something, 2)I am not a good writer. In fact I am so bad that I am not sure that I would reach high enough to become a bad writer. 3) I am also a very very bad speller. So today i was out shooting photos just after sunrise. In that sweet light. I was at a small lake that is on the border of Sheboygan and Ozaukee counties. A very small lake. Lots and lots of geese and ducks on the lake. Sun rising over the lake. Still some color on the trees. I see a very old building. It looks like and old outhouse. No have moon on the door but the right size. Open the door and that is what it is. I then ask myself am I going to be the old "hippie" and spend this sunrise on an old outhouse or am I going to do what I have been doing for the last thirty years and take the "safe" pictures. The colors, the geese and ducks or the sunrise over the lake. I took the old hippie way. i spent an hour on the outhouse. Not only the whole house but closeup of mails, chipped paint and even shadows from some of the grasses that surround the building. When I was done i found another building that is a two seater. Tomorrow back to the lake. i think maybe i started go back to my old way three years ago when I started to play Santa. Most of the people who I worked with for 20 years still do not believe that I do that. If they were to see me when I am out and about taking photos and how I stop strangers to ask all sorts of "dumb" questions or siting on a beach at sunrise or sunset taking photos. I have not softened my "political views. I do not shop Hobby Lobby or Menards. I have not taken a plastic bag from a grocery store in over 10 years If I go to Starbucks i take in my own cup and try to leave with a bag full of grounds. If I stop at gas station I have my own cup. It has been years since I have gone through a drive up window at a bank or a fast food place. I have not missed voting in an election since I turned 21 (yes I m that old). I have my ballet but this time I am not sure it is worth the effort.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

We have done a 360

So when I was young and a young man from the east coast was running for President of the United States their was talk that if he were elected he would take orders from the Pope. A Catholic as president. Oh My God. You would have thought that if elected he would call the Pope up every morning to get his orders for the day.
This man named Kennedy went to Texas to talk to some non Catholics. He told him he believed in the separation of Church and State. He had a tough battle but he did beat Nixon and today on could say he is one of the most beloved men that has held that office.

Now we have all of the Republican candidates pushing some of the most conservative views of the Catholic Church. The Red Hats of the church have gotten involved in politics in a very public way now. Here in Milwaukee they have taken the side of business and Scott Walker over the union men and women who make the donations to keep the churches open. They come out and tell you how much they dislike the President.

Maybe this is good. No more of this secret stuff.

They, the Catholics, can have their views. Do not care if the believe in , or practice birth control or not. Keep it in your family do not expect us all to follow your way.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Moore of Keep the Government off my Back

I really do not have a problem with people that have another point of view than I have. Hell I hope their are not very many people out there that are as crazy as I am. But what I do not like is this current crop of Republicans. I will say that I do not believe that they are honest with themselves or with the voters. I am betting that almost down to the last one they have all said that they will get the government off your back. So let us take a look.
Arizona. You dam well be carrying an id with you even if you are taking a walk around the block. Especially if you are not a cracker. You could get thrown in jail and have to wait for someone to come and prove that you are a U.S. Citizen. MORE REGULATIONS.

Florida. They are drug testing everyone that is applying for unemployment benefits and have been doing this for several months. They caught a lot and saved a lot of money. Less than 3% and saved the state about $60.000 dollars. OH ya forgot that it cost the state over $200,00 to administer the program. MORE REGULATIONS.

We have some people running for president that want a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage. Their view of marriage. They all talk about how the state should define marriage unless of course it does not agree with their view.

Because some people do not like the fact that abortions are legal they make doctors give women ultra sounds before the procedure. You know women that have these procedures need to be tormented more. MORE REGULATIONS.

So all I am asking is that they stop with the bull of wanting to spend less money and stop with the regulations and say we have our own people we want to regulate and tax.

Or go and Join Ron Paul.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I can take care of myself I do not need the Federal Government

So let us start to dismantle the Federal Government Programs.
Let us start with Flood Insurance. The only reason the Federal Government is in this business is that no private Insurance Company will offer this type of insurance. They can't make enough money off of it. So for those in Milwaukee who use it when the storm sewers back up you are on your own. American Family or Progressive will not help you.

Oh yes what is your mortgage carrier going to do. If you are trying to purchase a house in an area that has had problems in the past. So maybe you will get lucky and some private company will come along and offer it to you. You thought health insurance was expensive wait until you see that bill.

If you live close to a river or stream forget that. Bad for the person that wants to purchase but what about the person that has a house in the area. Maybe wants to sell. Sorry.

Worst case. You could depend on FEMA. Gee they were the ones that managed Flood Insurance. We are shrinking their budget. Oh Well!!!!

WE did accomplish something. We got rid of a small piece of the Federal Government off our back.

Coming soon moe about flooding and water runoff

Monday, February 13, 2012

Congressman Paul Ryan

He is not my congressman. Some days i wish he were just so I could vote against him. Most days I say thank God he is not. I do not want to be represented by a radical consecrative engineer. Not my words.
Then there are days I wish he was.
WHY you may ask.
I do not like his medicare plan from that he has shown us. Or his plan for Social Security.
I really do not like it but I will say this at least he has a plan. A plan that goes in the wrong direction for the country. A plan that may save some tax dollars in the near future but will hurt the nation 30, 40 or 50 years from now. A time when there is a snow balls chance in hell that I will be around.
So why do I care. My parents generation lived though a depression, fought a world war, came home went to school, and built a modern nation with a large middle class. Was it perfect. No it was not. It left a lot of people behind. If you were black in this country it was hard to vote and you could live where the white man said you could live. You might get a "good" job but not a great job.
Then my generation came along and we tried to change some of those wrongs. We made a little progress on the race issue as well as on the gender issue but I would not say those issues were resolved.
My generation knew that we had to pay for the privileges. We paid our taxes and gave of our time and those that had kids raised them.
Now we have a country that does not want to pay for things and we are not courages enough to stand up and say lets US fix them.
So Congressman Ryan came up with a plan. A plan I do not like but it is a plan. Have you seen a plan by any other member of the Wisconsin delegation to congress. Democrat or Republican!!!!
Maybe we could use some more "Tea Party" wins as well as a few "99% wins.
Most of all they need to know that they are elected to represent all of us not just their party line. So do not tell me how good your conservative or liberal voting record is. The higher on it i think makes you less effective!!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Not in my backyard

Not long ago one of the candidates for the republican nomination for president suggested that it would be no problem to drill for oil in the Everglades. Now one of her Tea Parry & fellow Republican friends from Flordia has said not in our back yard. congressman West is one of the more maybe one of the most censerative members of Congress.

Now being a liberal democrat you may think I am picking on them. I am not. I realize that all the members of congress have an election coming up. They do not want to offend the voters. Rural members want to protect the payments to farmers. Many members who call for budget cuts but cry foul if you cut one bullet from the defense budget. Then you have the members who will not here of any changes in Medicare or Social Security. They will tell you how the world will come it an end.

I am willing to bet the majority of people do not believe any of them. They may play to the base. Concerned they will have primary opposition. Concerned they will be looking for a new job.

This is going someplace I had not intded.

So who fault is it? Is it the politician? Maybe it is the media. No!!!

I believe it is us. So few of us vote in the primary. Parties protect their members. Until the day comes that we take the few minutes it takes to vote we will have people who tell us "DO IT THIS WAY UNLESS IT HURTS MY FRIENDS THEN DO IT ANOTHER WAY"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011