Monday, June 1, 2009

Card Check

Ok I think it is time to throw the liberals a bone.
Business got their bank bail out.  It got saved on the car companies.
Even the NRA has had two bones.  The D.C. gun bill and the right to cary loaded fire arms in national parks.
Now we are getting  the nomination for the Supreme Court who at best can be called a moderate. She will not be the great "liberal" thinker that the conservatives have on the court.  
We are still going to be at war for a long time.
So give us liberals a small bone and that bone should be card check.
It is time that equality is restored to the workers of the country.  Business has had the ability and the money to stop Unions from organizing for two many years.  
To many CEO's are making the millions by cutting the pay and benefits for the workers.  Cutting back on 401K contributions, freezing pay, running on short staff, reducing R&D and on and on and on.
We have herd this bill is going to hurt and put them out of business.  I say that is what GM, Ford and Chrysler said about what would happen if they were forced to increase the cafe standards to those of the rest of the world.  Well we know how that turned out.
So give us a bone.  We helped elect you.

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