Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama best pick

At this early stage I will nominate Defense Secretary Gates as the best pick President Obama made for his Cabinet. 

The reports of the Defense budget made yesterday was almost great.  Not everything a lefty like me wanted to see but it goes a long way in the right direction.  

First I am wondering if GW new the kind of person he nominated for this post.  I am sure that President Obama knew what he was getting.  I am thinking that what GW may be thinking about him is the same as Eisenhower was thinking about Early Warren when he said that if he only knew.

Image that a Defense Secretary does not believe that he agency can not just ask for the moon and expect to receive it.  Image that a Defense Secretary thinks that he has to fight the wars of today and not of yesterday.  That the odds of fighting another WW II war are small and that is not the place to put our money.  WE need to take care of the troops that we have now and the ones that have served the country with honor.  

I also am happy that the Presidents of the United States and Russia are going to talk about reducing the number of nuclear weapons.  First they are expensive to maintain.  The constant maintenance on the missiles and the number of plains that have to be maintained to deliver these weapons. Not to mention that they are getting old and will soon have to be updated.

The threats that we face today are from the much smaller countries.  The threats are not so much against us as they are to our allies.  I worry about the weapons that are in the hands of countries like India and Pakistan.  I realize that Israel feels the need to have the weapons as it is surrounded by states that are not friendly but it also makes the case from the neighbors to have one also.  That does not make me feel any safer.

Back to Gates.  I am sure that their is going to be opposition coming from congress.  First the congressman from whose district the plants are that were going to build these projects and also the those on the RIGHT who feel that Obama is not strong enough on defense.  Let us write our congressman and support this budget.  We need the money for health care. That will be a strong defense of our country

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