Wednesday, March 11, 2009


For some reason we, the United States of America, citizens have come to depend on someone else to do it for us.  In this case I am talking about foreign imports of oil, the cost of the final product be it gas, heating fuel or the price we pay for all the plastics we use. 
Some, I am hoping not many, want us to open up more of our protected areas for drilling. Some are waiting for the new technology to come and save us.  Or we are growing corn witch takes a heavy investment in carbon to save the day.

But I say we and I mean you and I could cut our imports in one month by at least 10% or more. Get this it would not even take a lot of work.  No investment of money and very little of time. All it really would take is to start using the brain.

Do you really need to drive 70 miles an hour down the express way.  First of all in the county the speed limit is 55.  From 60 to 70 you are using 10% more fuel.  Jack rabbit starts in the city, racing to the next stop light and them breaking.  Their goes another 5% and yo are going to have to replace your breaks more often.  How much longer is it gong to take you to get to wherever it is your going by driving this way.  Is the maybe five or ten minutes worth that much money.

Have you ever stopped at a gas station to get that cup of coffee in the morning and some next to you was to lazy to turn their car off while they "just ran in" to get their coffee.  Wasted gas.
Now lets talk about that cup of coffee you get.  That cup and that lid you are using is made from petrol chemicals.  CRUDE OIL.  A truck had to bring them to that store and the garbage truck is going to take it away.  More wasted crude oil.  Many places will give you a small discount if you have a refillable cup.  Here you save not only money but CRUDE OIL.
How much time to you save waiting in the drive through lane at your favorite hamburger joint. 

Now here is where you will have to make an investment and have to work hard.  Park the car and go in and get it.  As long as the lines I see outside you may save yourself some time in the long run besides the CRUDE OIL.

Keep your tires inflated to the right pressure.  Save another 5%.  I am not good at this so I went to SAM'S Club and had nitrogen but in my tires.  More stable than air.  I am sure if you are a hatter of all things Walmart you can find someone else to put the nitrogen in.

Another way to decrease the CRUDE OIL imports is the way we shop.  Again here it will require at least an investment of five to ten dollars.  Almost any store be it grocery or hardware you can purchase a "canvas" bag for about a dollar.  Buy a couple of them.  Never have to use a plastic bag in the checkout lane again.  Not only will you save the CRUDE OIL but you will reduce our imports from China.  They make the bags.

Finally, for today, by big rant is water in the bottle.  In many cases the same water you could have put into your own bottle at home and you are paying for it.  And brother are you and me paying for it.  CRUDE OIL to make the bottle.  CRUDE OIL to deliver it to the store. CRUDE OIL to dispose of it.  And you could only be so lucky is maybe 25% are recycled.  Some people can not walk the extra 15 feet to put it in the recycle bin.

So all it would really take to reduce our dependence on foreign oil is an investment of a few dollars and maybe an hour a week in our time.

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